Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ancient Greece

In my high school art history class we are learning about ancient Greece and their accomplishments. Here are some examples of their art. :D

Statue of youth
 represent apollo or an idealized athletic body!
ca. 590-580 BC.

Kritios Boy
480 BC.
Example of contrapposto,  which is an asymmetrical arrangement of the human figure. which is weight shifted on one leg with other bent. this type of sculpture is archaic.

3 goddesses
435 BC. 
Rests on the east pediment of the parthenon.
These artists had the models where wet clothing to make their bodies look more distinguished. The way they would sculpt these pieces of marble was incredible.

The Dying Gaul was made in 230-220 BC. 
This sculpure is a roman copy of a soldier. The artist in this time period thought the body looked best in this state, so they would go into battle naked, and were most likely defeated easier than others because of the lack of armor.

Nike of Samothrace
200 BC. 
This sculpture originally stood on the marble bow of a sculpted warship, she is supposed to have arms by her mouth as she calls out victory. Her statue now stands at the Louvre in France.

421-405 BC.
 These sculptures are women instead of columns. These are classified as classical.

448-432 BC. 
This Located in Acropolis, Athens. It celebrated the birth of Athena Parthenos.
The dimensions are 100 ft wide X 228 ft long! Made up of 70,000 different pieces, and was made without blue prints. This is incredible. This would Have taken us a very long time to acomplish.

Amphora 350 BC.
This piece if art was a jar meant to carry liquids. It was one of the first piece of art to have the artists actual name signed on it. It had two handles.

3 orders of architecture:
Doric       Ionic       Corinthian

 Greek key:
a decoration used on building that represented unity.